The art of Cologne based painter
Armin Scheid is just as versatile as it is stringent on the other hand:
The intensive study of the possibilities of painting is reflected in a complex body of work, which could be quite assigned at first glance to different artists. At second glance
it is embraced by profound similarities - such as the intensive study and exploration of
contrast-effects, the love for oversaturated colours, the rhythmical and almost ornamental use of brushstrokes as well as
the dynamic and polycentric understanding
of creating paintings.
In recent years, very different open artwork-series have emerged such as:
„Elementarteilchen (Elementary Particles)“,
on one hand and:
„Atelier-Dschungel (Studio-Jungle)" and "Cowgirls" on the other hand.
The beholders self-assurance concerning
the definition of space, planimetrics and physicality is irritated repeatedly. Things
seem to resolve sometimes and yet are
firmly bounded in a rhythmic interplay of color-, brightness- and movement-contrasts.
The viewer is not just witness, but involved
in this rhythmical game and "illuminated" by the vibrant power of colours.
Recently Armin Scheid is working on space specific room installations combining his diverse series´ into an immersive painters universe - playfully irritating perspectives
and space consciousness.